Cerner based Data Warehouse and Reporting Solution

Cerner based Data Warehouse and Reporting Solution

Complete Reporting and Data Warehouse Solutions, Not Just Toolkits:

Digitaldata Consulting does more than simply leave you with a ‘toolbox’ of software programs and instruction manuals.

We deliver a complete information management solution, tailored to meet the precise needs of your business and designed to evolve in step with your organisation.

Our solution includes:

  1. Data Warehouse modules
  2. Installation services
  3. Implementation services
  4. Training services
  5. On-going support services
  6. Consultancy


Data Warehouse modules:

Our proven technology delivers highly relevant reports and datasets to your managers covering such key areas as:

  • Activity reporting (inpatients, outpatients, bed days, ward stays, readmissions, maternity, theatres and live A&E)
  • Waiting list reports (Outpatient first and follow up, RTT, Inpatient (including planned and booked), Diagnostics (DMO1 return)
  • Finance datasets for Service Level Agreement Monitoring and Secondary Uses Services (commissioning datasets).
  • Key National Datasets satisfying information standards notices e.g. the maternity services dataset.


The Digitaldata Consulting modules can be utilised together with your organisation’s data, to provide a ready-made solution for information management reporting.

Data Mining Services:

Process Mining: Identifying bottlenecks within patient pathways, can enable a shortening of waiting times which are considered clinically critical for a number of specialties within acute care. Digitaldata Consulting are able to take a holistic view of the patient pathway for any given speacialty and identify where imporvements can be made, shortening waiting times and identifying efficiencies and slipages.

Text Mining: Discharge letters can contain a lot of clinically critical information, easily missed by Clinical Coding teams. Digitaldata Consulting text mining solutions enable the scanning of discharge letters and other hand written documents and allows for a more efficient clinical coding process.

Installation Services: Digitaldata Consulting will advise you on which hardware to specify, which versions of database and other third party software to choose and the optimum way in which your I.T. people to deliver a fast, reliable service to your users can configure these. We will also install all Digitaldata Consulting software components and test these are functioning correctly.

Implementation Services: Implementation Services DIGITALDATA CONSULTING healthcare consultants work closely with your information team to load data into a “data warehouse”, validate it and set up processes for routine updates and quality checks. They will also help to configure the application to reflect the specific needs of your organisations.

Training Services: Training Services DIGITALDATA CONSULTING runs a range of training courses specifically for your data managers, trainers, users and application developers.

On-going Support: Once implementation is complete, DIGITALDATA CONSULTING  support team will be available to make sure you get maximum advantage from your Reporting and Data Warehouse solution. We will also schedule any new releases of your DIGITALDATA CONSULTING software in line with our customer support and maintenance agreement with you.

Cerner based Data Warehouse and Reporting Solution :

The Secondary Care Activity reporting module allows you to monitor patient activity and build a clear picture of patient flow within your organisation.

The Secondary Care Activity module fulfills a core set of reporting requirements for your organisation.

This module will enables the monitoring of patient activity across the following key areas of activity:

  1. Admitted Patient Care (including bed stay and readmission information).
  2. Outpatient Attendances.
  3. Outpatient Referrals.
  4. Accident and Emergency Attendances (CDS type 10 and 11).

The Secondary Care Activity module provides the perfect foundation for Payment by Results and Patient Level Costing, two additional solutions that will enable information staff to investigate patient activity in greater detail, in order better to understand both costs and income.

1. Admitted Patient Care

The Admitted Patient Care application module enables you to analyse monthly activity for Admitted

Patient Care in terms of treatment function, main procedure (OPCS4), principal diagnosis (ICD10) and HRG.

2. Outpatient Attendances

The Outpatient Attendances application module enables you to analyse monthly activity for Outpatient Attendances, DNAs, Hospital Cancellations and Patient Cancellations.

Analyses are presented in terms of treatment function, consultant, first and subsequent attendance, provider, GP practice.

Subsidiary analyses (see Analyses are presented in terms of treatment function, consultant, first and subsequent attendance, below) show:

How long patients have waited from referral to their first attendance.

Attendance rates per 1000 patients (dependent upon implementation of practice population module).

Attendance rates per 1000 patients (dependent upon implementation of practice population module).

3. Outpatient Referrals

Outpatient Referrals module can help your hospital to monitor the number and type of referrals received.

It uses a time-frame based upon the referral date whereas other outpatient modules have analyses based upon attendance date.

4. Accident and Emergency

The Accident and Emergency module enables the analysis of Accident and Emergency attendances, breaches and trends in real time. The reports supplied with the module displays attendance information for age profiles, referral sources, waiting time, and type of attendance and more.

Waiting Lists:

Ensuring patients receive treatment in a timely fashion requires effective waiting list management.

Waiting Lists

Waiting Lists reporting module enables a hospital to monitor patient activity across 4 key areas:

  1. RTT
  2. Outpatient Future Appointments (first and follow up list).
  3. Elective Admissions List (inpatients including planned and booked).
  4. Diagnostics Reporting (the DM01 return).

The Outpatient Future Appointments module enables one to analyse patients who are currently waiting to be seen in an outpatient clinic.

In particular, it allows one to identify patients whose currently allocated appointment date might result in waiting times from referral to appointment that exceed local and national standards.

In particular, it allows one to identify patients whose currently allocated appointment date might result in waiting times from referral to appointment that exceed local and national standards.

The analyses cover four areas

  1. Outpatient Future Activity.
  2. Outpatient Future Targets.
  3. Outpatient Future Waiting List Predictions.
  4. Elective Admissions Lists

The Elective Admissions Lists module gives the ability to analyse monthly inpatient and day case waiting lists. The comprehensive reports supplied to you with this module will show:

Comparisons between treatment functions and consultants, between primary and secondary care providers

  • Monthly trends.
  • Waiting Time Distributions.

The reports also highlight to your changes in waiting times since the previous month as well as changes over the previous year.

In addition, we can examine waiting times by operative procedure.


Maximise theatre utilisation to deliver a more productive, more efficient and more effective service. Theatres reporting module lets you: Monitor and report on operating theatre sessions, enabling you to identify specific areas where efficiency can be improved. Analyse theatre utilisation, capacity, session cancellations, over- and under-runs, surgeon lists. Look at patient operation information, including analyses of the patient journey into and out of theatre. Improve patient experience and reduce waiting times. Collect data to support ‘The Productive Operating Theatre’. See which theatres and surgeons are maximising utilisation whilst maintaining quality, giving you the evidence you need to encourage under-performers to change the way they do things. Generates Theatre Finance Report based including all resources used for performing an Operation Anaesthetic Dashboard Reposrt is available to review performance of all Anaethists within the Trust. WHO Reporting Module.


The maternity module satsifies the following reporting requirements:

  1. The Robson Reports (classifications for monitoring the services as recommended by the WHO/world health organisation).
  2. The 12 week 6 day midwife target (monitoring) (seen by a midwife within 12 weeks 6 days of conception) – antenatal care
  3. CDS (commissioning data set requirements): Maternity Tails, births and deliveries.
  4. The Maternity Services Dataset
  5. Maternity Pathway Reporting (finance/commissioning dataflow)
  6. Activity numbers: births and maternities
  7. Ad hoc reporting e.g. termination of pregnancies, number of caesarian sections

The maternity module will permit the maternity service in your organisation to monitor performance against national targets and contractual requirements. Further, comprehensive information will be available to the service to facilitate, inform commissioning arrangements, planning, and service reconfiguration.

Live A&E Data Warehouse and Breach Reporting:

1. Live Breach Report helps Trusts in achieving A&E performance targets, which is one area where top hospitals set themselves apart.

2. Live A&E Data is Extracted using PI Explorer directly into Trust XFB folder, where a Net change ETL process is created to run every 2 minutes time to make sure A&E Data Warehouse is Near Live to that of Live Cerner system.

2. It builds a detailed picture of demand the trusts have of demand, covering the type of demand, the volume and the timing by understanding demand in order to build the required workforce to meet patient demand safely while giving value for money.

3. Focusses on flow, like most things, can be measured by looking at effectiveness (having a clear plan to do the right things) and reliability (how frequently the right things are done according to plan).

Clinic Utilisation:

Clinic slot analysis allows the Trust to analyse and report on the past utilisation of clinic slots as well as the capacity of future clinics. The sample chart below shows how the slots have been used in the past (attends, DNAs and unused) and bookings/free slots into the future:

Moreover, Clinic Session Statistics (by clinic and date) can include:

  • Number sessions held
  • Number sessions cancelled (with reasons)
  • Number sessions reduced
  • Number slots overbooked and
  • Number slots reduced

Our Clinic utilisation reporting data allows the Trust to analyse the number of sessions held, blocked and cancelled.

The clinic slot information is around the heart of this module and can include (by clinic, date and visit type)

By Slot Type:

  • Total number of slots available (New/ Follow up/ Out of slot)
  • Number of slots free (New/ Follow up/ Out of slot)
  • Number of slots booked (New/ Follow up/ Out of slot)
  • Number of slots attended (New/ Follow up/ Out of slot)
  • Number of slots DNAd (New/ Follow up/ Out of slot)

By Priority Type:

  1. Urgent
  2. Cancer
  3. Regular
  4. Urgent Non Cancer