Consulting Services

The potentiality to gather and examine internal and external data can prescribe how good an organization can produce knowledge and at last value. Digitaldata Consulting provides a broad set of Business Intelligence services to assist clients utilize structured data and Digitaldata Consulting patches up a broad understanding of the business and technology proportions of an organization to utilize data to better the determination, financial management, regulatory compliance and customer service.

We offer:

Business Consulting, including Business Process Management, Change Management, and Program Management.

Consulting, including Architecture and Technology, Information Risk Management, Infrastructure Services, IT Process and Service Management, IT Strategy and Governance, Master Data Management, Performance Engineering Solutions, and Quality Assurance and Testing.

Successful enabled change requires a better understanding of the relationship between IT and the business to ensure IT delivers the desired outcomes and engages users, customers and stakeholders. We help organizations develop this understanding through our ‘IT enabled business change’ framework.

Our consultants:

  • Bring wide-ranging experience of implementing business change
  • Understand the complex delivery issues that characterize IT change projects
  • Are independent from technology vendors
  • Engage with key client stakeholders to support the development of in-house skills.

Business Solutions, including E-Channel, Optimize IT, Post Merger & Acquisition IT Integration, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and Utility Computing, Cloud Advisory Services. We help clients through the full technology Lifecycle as well as with improving processes and people capabilities. We help you exploit the full potential of BI and make a real difference in decision-making in your organization.

We at Digitaldata Consulting Global Consulting believe that the best solutions come from collaborative relationships with our clients and we work closely with their organization to understand their business goals, devise efficient strategies and implement the best solutions.

Recruitment Services

Fast, effective, reliable recruitment

  • Interview people that live in close proximity to your location
  • Receive our 6 best CVs within 72 hours
  • Gain access to a rich pool of candidates


How we do business

Our core business – Business Continuity Management – makes a valuable contribution to society. For many people, our advisory services are, quite literally, life-saving. Corporate responsibility defines how we achieve our goals.

Major Enterprises who use our services including mission critical companies Their employees whom they trust them for their life and money Their Clients who are in continuous need to their products and services

Governments that regulate their industries

Our reputation with our clients and their trust in our services is critical to our business.


By demonstrating to stakeholders that we meet high ethical standards in all aspects of our work, and that we are committed to helping address challenges, we can maintain their support. Our reputation, the standards we operate to and our employment practices also affect our ability to attract, retain and motivate the best people.

Our Clients

Almost every company has something about client focus in its mission statement. The larger the service organisation, the more executives tend to insulate themselves from clients. Some rely on client-satisfaction surveys and focus groups. Others simply assume that clients are just like them! These kinds of service companies end up delivering services that suit them, not their clients. Well, we do not …!

We understand that our clients work in all sorts of business sectors and industries and may be senior managers, middle management or junior staff members. They have different business goals, with different needs, even their cultures and their business environments might be different.

Despite these differences they share a number of common goals. They may wish to develop a competitive edge to maintain their business growth in increasingly competitive work environments

Achieve business goals to have the minimum impact for Interruptions

Better nurture their staff to achieve to their highest performance levels

Make an immediate, measurable and lasting difference in their enterprise

Improve their project management skills and relationships Solve problems more effectively and be solution-focused

Talent Acquisition

Digitaldata Consulting also has an recruitment arm based in Buckinghamshire,  UK.  We have teams with focus of their own verticals and working across all markets for both contract and Permanent requirements.

The concept of Digitaldata Consulting was developed to bring the best and the brightest associates in the field of IT consulting in varied domains like Banking & Finance, Health Care, Telecom, Media, Housing, Council, Government, staffing & recruiting and Human Resources consulting to provide myriad services under one roof to its clients.

Having a deep understanding of our industry, combined with a forward thinking approach means that we are able to offer bespoke recruitment services to our clients and recruitment agencies.

Added to that our long-established connections and our creative approach to sourcing & evaluating candidates. We have over four years of client relationships that testify to our continued dedication to quality recruitment and as we expand, so does our reach. From single searches right through to long-term outsourcing of the entire recruiting function, Digitaldata Consulting has the breadth and depth of expertise to meet the talent acquisition needs of largest and most complex businesses. Flexibility, innovation and impact are at the heart of our approach to building client partnerships.

Talent Acquisition Details

  • Permanent Staffing
  • Executive Search
  • Contingency Search
  • Contractual Hiring